Piece suit modern "Slim". American with flaps in "V" and 2 buttons. shantung silk fabric gray
Set Threepieces of modernItalianstyleSlim.Exclusivesuit withlapelsin"V"and 2 buttons, breast pocketandstylishtailoringpocketswithflapsinclined. shantungsilk fabricpearl gray. It comes withbaggarment bagOttavioNuccioGala
Note: The proposal of the photo is not included in the price.
Carlos Hernández (24/02/2017): Piece suit modern "Slim". American with flaps in "V" and 2 buttons. shantung silk fabric gray - Muchas gracias por todo! El traje me sienta perfecto!
Jorge Cardenas (14/06/2016): Piece suit modern "Slim". American with flaps in "V" and 2 buttons. shantung silk fabric gray - Tienda muy recomendable, gran trato y servicio.
Paul Beckett (17/05/2016): Piece suit modern "Slim". American with flaps in "V" and 2 buttons. shantung silk fabric gray - Good service, thanks for all!
Wilhelm Günther (08/12/2015): Piece suit modern "Slim". American with flaps in "V" and 2 buttons. shantung silk fabric gray - Bestellung ohne Probleme geliefert, alles ok danke!
Pierre Babonneau (05/06/2015): Piece suit modern "Slim". American with flaps in "V" and 2 buttons. shantung silk fabric gray - Je l'aime !!
This suit iscustomized withyour measurementsand manufacturedentirely in Italy.We provide you withthe best fabricsand impeccablehand crafted. Our authenticcustom design tailoring,enables us to manufacturethe suitswith tweezersdeepchestaccentuate thesleek, masculineand naturalcut of the jacket. This modernsidewe proposetovestthe tone.Athreemonochromepiecesin combination withgrid-tiedesign, providinga touch ofcolor,fashionand uniqueto the set. Ouroriginal detailswitharefinedtailoringtechniquesensurean incomparablefit andtimeless styleofa fine Italiansuit.
Collection Fashion
Style Notch lapel
Compositions 53%ac 47%Silk
Colour Grey
Fabric Design Plain
Model 2 buttons suit
The prices listed are for individual sale of each accessory, select option "pack with suit" purchase for special price.